The Reality of Everything - Rosefolk School
Course Content
The door is ajar, and moving quickly
The door is halfway open
The door is open, what will you do?
The Seeing Course
About Lesson

The topic of the reality of everything is a complex one. The main idea is something called illusionary life, a concept of constant piling on of fake concepts that breaks the spirits of a child and essentially makes their subconscious, and in turn conscious mind all mushy and perfect for lying to. The system of illusionary life has “marks”, and this is because when drawn on a blackboard, each “mark” is drawn as an extra weight on a board on the head of a child.

The first mark of illusionary life comes in the form of being told No as a toddler. There is no explanation as to why, and you honestly didn’t know. This is a pain that will probably be unresolved forever, and it’s a big straw in the camel’s back.

The second mark is the idea of Rules. As a child, rules are seen as an ultimate authority with the only possibility of breaking them being via using a loophole, but the truth is rules are nothing, they have no integrity. Instead of reason and morality, we use words. Anyway, this is another burden on the child, a painful one at that.

The third mark is the “basic” things we teach to toddlers. The truth is, most of them are simply not that important. Our parenting system is so messed up that we will traumatize a child for brownie points with other parents. Many children are not ready for this when they do it, and doing it later, with adequate consent, is better for everyone. Being brutally forced to undergo this is not good for the child! 

The fourth mark is Authority. As humans, we are all equal, and in scenarios where we are not, it’s because we choose to accept that (ie, the vicar is higher than a member of the church as they study and are of value to the members of the church). But in western ideas of parenting, we implant the lie of “parent above child” and “teacher above child” into their heads! If they have been traumatized enough, they will start to believe this lie.

The fifth mark is School. The western school system is abusive, traumatic, dogmatic, and we send our children there when they are four? 

The sixth mark is Gender. “I’m a boy” “I’m a girl” “That’s too boyish for a girl!” “That’s too girly for a boy!”. We create genuinely useless divisions instead of seeing people as people.


The seventh mark is Money. Money is not real, and creates division, worry, and need. It is unhealthy. Especially for children.

The eighth mark is Politics. If that comes in the form of local community/school politics or the government, it does not matter. The stress of progress being held back, even the elected government having the wrong colour is a large weight placed onto the shoulders of the child.


The ninth mark is the Small Consciousness Boost, a little boost in perception that occurs around 9-12, in the circumstances of a good household and education system, this is around where they will become more intellectual, and start the move from personal development to community development. But in our system, it simply worsens every other mark, as they realize the true horror of their scenario, they either fall to depression or their brain, as a trauma response, makes them believe the lies of society.

The tenth mark is Growing Up, the visceral horror of the endless, unstoppable march of time. Again, this is quite self explanatory, it affects everyone but certainly functions as a mark.

The eleventh mark is Country, this is around the point that they will start believing in countries and complete authority. This is the end goal of western thinking, to make the people believe that the true power is in the hands of the state, this invisible thing that currently barely does any good for the people.

The thing you should be taking away from this section; the only thing that’s real is consciousness, physicality is not an illusion, but it is paradoxical and a means for progress. Everything on a case by case basis, and everything always in its place.

The process of illusionary life takes place from a few months after birth to around 16-17 and cannot be shook off without the knowledge of what it is and why it exists. This self awareness can free those who have undergone it from their chains.

Another thing, someone who is undergoing illusionary life, if they are told that it is happening, and to keep their wits about them, will, usually, halt the process in its tracks. Self awareness is extremely important to teach to children (and anyone who will listen!)