At this phase in your spiritual career, you, if you have not already, must achieve a state of harmonium with your surroundings, people, animals, the earth, etc. This includes many things, but it is mostly a mindset change that brings new practice to fruition. Harmonium is essentially, a state of spiritual harmony and free thinking, free from illusionary life and the bucket-of-crabs that is modern day western society.
The main “tenets” of harmonium are simple, take everything on a case-by-case basis, understand the depth of people’s thought, harmony with the elements and all folds of yourself, and truth.
The first one should be simple, using your logic and little bits from every scenario in your life, along with information from books and courses you as a free-thinking individual should be able to, with proper observations, formulate proper judgement about a scenario free from the animalistic seven-second first impression period.Â
The thing about the Astronomican method is that it does not place emphasis on what the answers to the questions that you would usually think about asking a priest or a monk are, it instead chooses to get its initiates into a state where they can reliably and quickly provide good, cross-refrenced answers to all questions, big and small.Â
And on the depth of people’s thoughts, this is something that we do not think about. We as a society see the things that are important to a child as trivial, not important. But! A good spiritualist, or someone who is deep into their religion will look at what the average adult does and sees as important and see that as extremely trivial. But again, what would a planet think about what we do? Everything is trivial if we actually think about it, so bringing yourself down to the level of someone to help them understand is a large factor in Harmonium and quite a big step in developing a practical psychology, as i explored in a previous page/section.
And the final part i will touch on today is harmony with the elements and all four folds of yourself, now i have already lightly went over the idea of having command over the human; ie being present and in control of your body. The four folds are (and these correspond to many other things) the physical, the astral, the etheric and the ego. The main correspondence to this are the elements, fire, water, air and earth.Â
The internal processes that you need to set in place in this avenue should make the fourfold nature of yourself work (for lack of a better word) better with the fourfold nature of nature. If you are walking around covered in crude oil looking for something to eat, nothing looks edible.Â
Another thing, certain crystals can help with this process, if you don’t have any already, get a few pieces of shungite and an orgonite pyramid with shungite in it. These have quite interesting physical and metaphysical properties that get proven a bit more every single day. But anyway, harmonium, in any form, is essentially necessary towards any kind of brighter future.