As a part of the initiation section, the transitory to freedom phase happens fairly quickly. These internal realizations that can be triggered by, for lack of a better adjective, eye-opening media. A good example of eye opening media is the last few pages of this booklet (or book, depending on what form you’re reading this in).
A large part of the transitory to freedom is deprogramming, and the major part that you must understand is that reality is not about information, it is not about reading books, it is not about absorbing as much information as possible. Learning comes in the form of knowing, internalizing, understanding, etc.
Society and our barbaric academic school system teaches us that learning is all about information, and not understanding. But in reality, you could walk into an astronomican-organized event and you can recite the meaning of all the cards in the major arcana and the fool’s journey in great detail, but the true message has not been internalized, there is simply no point. It would be better if you truly understood the fool’s meeting with the magician, because at least you would not only know something out of it, you would become something out of it!
It’s a hard concept to explain, but the shift from useless external information to meaningful internal knowledge is an extremely important thing in the transitory to freedom.
This is a problem we have in society in general, we have a lack of true understanding that leads to a lack of zeal, a lack of motivation. And by zeal, i mean motivation powered by higher truth, that sometimes manifests as anger (but not always). It is an extremely powerful motivator to those who have had realizations of higher truth.
This shift from info to knowledge is going to be extremely valuable to the great awakening, if such a thing is ever going to happen.